The Parent’s Guide to Bunk Beds

The Parent’s Guide to Bunk Beds

If you’re looking for a high-quality and timeless bunk bed option for your children, then you have come to the right place. At Noa & Nani, we are pleased to offer a wide selection of children’s bunk beds available in a plethora of styles, sizes and designs. So, if you have had the chance to explore our varied bunk bed collection, and you have found yourself with a couple of questions, then we are here to help. To ensure you have all the information you need before buying your children’s bunk bed, we have put together the ultimate parent’s guide. Here we have all the advice, tips and tricks you could need to make an informed decision on a bunk bed, and highlight why we think these are an amazing bed frame option for parents and children alike!

Should I Choose a Bunk Bed for my Kids?

Over the years, the number of bunk bed styles have increased greatly, and now you can shop a plethora of options to suit every requirement, preference and aesthetic. So, if your children have been begging you for a bunk bed for their room, then you shouldn’t think you are limited in your options. We have bunk beds that appeal to both parents and children for all the right reasons.

Firstly, a bunk bed is a no-brainer option for children who are sharing a room. No matter how big or small the children’s bedroom, you can always stand to claim back a little bit more floor space. Choosing a bunk bed instead of multiple single beds cuts the amount of floor space taken up in half and instead, vertical space is claimed. This means there's more space in the room for other furniture, storage and, of course, the many bulky toys and playsets.

Bunk beds are also a perfect choice for children similar in age, whether they prefer to stick together or makes nighttime routines easier. Many children love to stay close to their siblings and this is the perfect bonding experience that many adults look back on fondly when they’re grown.

Are My Children Old Enough for Bunk Beds?

Bunk beds are suitable for children across a wide range of ages, and in fact, some bunk beds are available in sizes for adults too. So, there is no upper age limit of when a child should stop using a bunk bed.

However, we do recommend that younger children do not use a bunk bed until they are 4 years of age or older. You should also only put children over 6 years of age on the top bunk, but the lower bunk is fine. Even if your child is older than 6 and on the top bunk, we still recommend taking extra precaution with guard rails and ensuring you choose a bunk bed design suitable for the age range you are buying it for.

Types of Bunk Beds

At Noa & Nani, we know that one size does not fit all, and we want to make sure our customers are aware of all the options available to them. Here we have outlined the different and most popular bunk bed styles so that you can have a quick overview of the different styles on offer and which may be the most suitable option for your home.

Double Bunk Beds

The classic bunk bed construction sees two single sized beds stacked on top of each other, perfect for twins and siblings. This is also the ideal option if you have found yourself trying to convince an older child to share a room with their younger sibling, after all, what child can resist the promise of the top bunk?

This timeless construction will be what springs to mind as soon as anyone mentions a bunk bed, and at Noa & Nani we have a wide range of options available. Most double bunk beds in our collection also offer either ladder or steps to reach the top bunk, so choose a construction your children will feel most comfortable with.

Triple Bunk Beds

Triple bunk beds are the go-to style if you are looking for beds for more than 2 siblings. This style is available in two constructions, the more obvious being three single beds stacked on top of each other in the classic bunk formation. You can also find triple bunk beds which feature a double bed on the bottom and one single bed raised above.

We recommend the first construction for triplets or children of varying ages, with the oldest being on the very top bunk. The second construction we advise is best to have younger siblings of close ages sharing the double bed and their older sibling again on the top bunk.

Bunk Bed FAQS

For your answers to some of the most commonly asked questions on bunk beds, we have put together a summary to help your decision. Here you will also find hints and tips you should know for when you have your bunk beds.

Are Bunk Beds Safe?

To put it simply, yes, bunk beds are very safe when used correctly. As long as you heed our recommended age guidelines, your children are perfectly safe sleeping in a bunk bed. Even if your child is prone to jumping on the bed when you are not there to supervise, their construction is strong and sturdy to prevent the bed from tipping or falling. We also recommend choosing a bunk bed at an appropriate height for your children’s ages, as well as taking into account any extra side railings you may want to consider.

How Do I Make the Top Bunk?

Whether you’re considering buying a bunk bed or you already have one, this is one question that many parents ask themselves. How are you meant to make the top bunk bed? Unfortunately, we do not have a secret answer to totally solve this issue if you are not prepared to climb up yourself. If you are prepared to climb the ladder, then don’t worry, the bed will be able to hold an adult’s weight.

Other tips we can offer are to remove the mattress and fit clean sheets this way before returning it to its bunk. Alternatively, if your child is old enough to be sleeping on the top bunk, then maybe it's time you teach them to change their sheets themselves!

Article by Alex Tolofson